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Benefits of Baby Oil Not Only for Babies

Baby oil is one of the most widely used baby products. It turns out that not only for babies, the benefits of baby oil can also be obtained by adults. Baby oil contains natural mineral oils that are often found in skin care products. In addition, baby oil generally contains lanolin, which is a type of wax found in sheep skin. Both are useful as a moisturizer on the skin.

Benefits of Baby Oil for Babies and Children

In infants and children, baby oil can be used to:
  • Lubricant for massaging

  • For babies and children, baby oil is best used as oil for massaging babies, including newborns. Although it can help moisturize the skin, baby oil cannot be used as a moisturizer for newborn skin, because it has not been able to absorb the oil properly.
  • Overcoming the cradle cap

  • Cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis usually appears on the head, eyebrows, eyelids, side of the nose, or behind the baby's ears. Cradle cap appears when the baby is 1-2 months old and is caused by excess oil. Cradle cap makes the baby's skin become scaly and red rashes occur. To overcome the cradle cap, you can use special shampoo, baby oil, or certain creams and lotions. However, the use of baby oil in dealing with cradle cap is still in doubt. A health organization suspects that the use of baby oil is not effective in removing cradle cap. Baby oil is actually thought to make cradle cap multiply and worse.
  • Relieve diaper rash

  • Another benefit of baby oil is that it protects baby's skin from diaper rash. Don't forget to clean and dry the baby's skin well before applying baby oil.

Benefits of Baby Oil for Adults

Not only limited to infants and children, baby oil in adults can be used to overcome:
  • Dry and peeling nipples

  • For nursing mothers with dry or cracked nipples, apply lanolin or baby oil to a dry area after breastfeeding. Baby oil can soothe cracked nipple skin and help maintain nipple moisture.
  • Dry skin

  • For dry skin, apply baby oil after bathing while the skin is still moist. The durability of baby oil on the skin is longer than ordinary moisturizer. In addition, baby oil is also able to prevent excessive water evaporation from the surface of the skin.
  • Remove eye makeup

  • Baby oil can be used as an effective eye makeup remover. However, if you feel sore or the eyelids become dry, stop using.
When you buy baby oil, don't forget to read the packaging label and how to store it carefully. Also, pay attention to the expiration dates listed. Do not buy products that have passed the expiration date. There are various benefits of baby oil to overcome skin problems in various ages. However, if the problem persists, you should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.
